May 2015, The Thami Mnyele Foundation congratulates our former residents Samson Kambalu, Jeremy Wafer, Sultana Haukim and Krishna Luchoomun with their participation in the 56th Venice Biennale.
Two years ago, during their residency at the Thami Mnyele Foundation in Amsterdam, Sultana Haukim and Krishna Luchoomun were not only inspired to start a very first National Pavilion for Mauritius. They were also able to travel to the 55th Venice Biennale and start the procedure. The pavilion will be opened with the exhibition From one Citizen you Gather an Idea . Tania Antoshina, Bik Van Der Pol, Sultana Haukim, Krishna Luchoomun and others will participate in this exhibition, commissioned by pArtage and curated by Alfredo Cramerotti and Olga Jurgenson.
Samson Kambalu will present major new work at the main exhibition All the World's Futures commissioned by the Biennale's curator Okwui Enwezor.
Jeremy Wafer will participate in the exhibition What remains is tomorrow at The South African Pavilion.
The 56th Venice Biennale's exhibition All the World's Futures will be open for public from May 9th to November 22nd of 2015 at the Giardini della Biennale and the Arsenale in Venice.